Trieu Hong Van

Trieu Hong Van was a member of UDG in 8 years from 2009-2016. She has performed in Jazz!, Song – Life is a Game, Dancenter annual shows, Vietnam International Fashion Week 2014, Ha Anh Vu’s live show, Ho Ngoc Ha’s live show, Porsche Cars Show, IBASIC Show, Dove Hair Project, Lancome Show, So You Think You Can Dance Vietnam, Tuyet Dinh Tranh Tai, Blue Cricle New Year Event, Dem Hoi Chan Dai, Vietnam’s Got Talent, Dancing with the stars and more. She has placed 1st  in Buoc Nhay Xitin in two years 2010-2011 and was listed in top 18 So You Think You Can Dance Vietnam Season 2.

Van is currently teaching dance at GS Dance Studio and managing her fashion shop Linda Dope.